Optimize You Package


Optimize You Package


You are unique, and so is your gut health.

BLAST and Viome take the guess work out of the equation, giving you a personalized map that helps you fix your gut, lose weight and maintain your health and wellness.

Our Optimize You Package provides you with science-backed, nutritional recommendations that will heal your gut with the goal to keep you free from chronic conditions. Choose your Viome gut and/or health test(s) here, then we’ll break it down, analyze it, and create your action plan. You’ll also get full time access to the Viome app.

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Work with Lou and Viome to find out exactly what you should be eating to obtain optimal health. When you consume foods that work with your body chemistry and gut microbiome, you will feel better, lose weight and get better sleep.

Our Optimize You Package (valued at $800) includes the following: 

  • Introductory meeting with BLAST Health Coach, Lou

  • 1 Viome Test and Analysis

  • Full access to Viome App

  • 2 Follow up meetings with Lou to analyze test results and create an action plan

About the Optimize You Package: 

To begin Optimize You, clients will sit down with Lou for an introductory meeting to discuss health goals, complete health history forms and exchange general information about wellness and the program. We will then provide you with a Viome kit to begin the process. 

About Viome: 

BLAST is working hand in hand with Viome to provide our clients the most personalized and science-based view of their current health. Viome provides an easy, at-home kit to collect samples from you.

Then the samples are sent to the Viome labs for analysis - this analysis will give you a clear understanding of what nutrients and toxins are being produced by your gut and microbiome. 

Viome will then provide personalized recommendations for what foods and nutrients you should eat moving forward to balance your gut microbiome and achieve optimal health. 

Once your test results are received from Viome, you will again meet with Lou at BLAST to discuss your results, further personalize the suggestions and create a solid action plan for moving forward. This action plan will include clear guidelines for food and nutrition.